domingo, 19 de junio de 2016

The winners of II Microfiction Contest

The English Department has already chosen the best microfiction writers of this year's contest, whose theme seeks to pay homage to Shakespeare on the 400th anniversary of his death:




“Hamlet was going back from high school when he came across a worried girl who told him, “ Don’t go to that street, or you will discover your death”, and she ran away.

Hamlet ignored that and he continued his way as far as his feet came across a big book called Life. In his hands the dilemma- To read or not to read, that is the question. “


"When you open a book, you don't only open a book, you are opening your eyes to a world of fantasy and amazing things.You can live a police story, a fantasy story...and more stories that you can't imagine. When you decide not to open a book, the world inside these books are frozen, cold and you can't enjoy the stories. Now you choose, to read or not to read?


She ran across the hill, suddnly a black shadow appeared behind a tree and started a crazy race. When the girl saw him, she shouted with a terrific voice and fell to the grass. The shadow took a knife and..."if you continue reading, there will be bad read or not to read...that's the question..."

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2016

Cervantes & Shakespeare's 400th Anniversary worksheets

We have studied Shakespeare through several worksheets on his life and literary works, very useful for searching for information and improving reading and writing skills, as well as enlarging our knowledge of one of the greatest writers of all times.

We have also checked out our knowledge of Cervantes and Shakespeare through quizzes on the computer room

jueves, 14 de abril de 2016

Understanding Shakespeare

Watch this interesting video made by the "Shakespeare in Love" staff who give insight into tthe reasons for Shakespeare's literary greatness, universality and his deep understanding of human nature.

If you want to know more about Shakespeare's greatest  plays click on the following link

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

II Microfiction Contest


Write a 60-word micro-narrative (apart from the title) on following topic:


                              Deadline: Thursday 21 April 

The jury will be formed by  the English Department’s teachers who will take into account the micro-story's creativity and originality.

There will be three prizes:gold, silver and bronze. The winners will receive a purchase Fnac card  ( as long as there is enough quality in the stories presented ).

All the participants will be given a participation gift.

The best  micro-stories will be published on the department's blog.

martes, 12 de abril de 2016

400 aniversario: "Cervantes y Acción"

                                            source: wikipedia

Con motivo del cuarto centenario del fallecimiento de Miguel de Cervantes, El Departamento de Lengua y Literatura Española ha convocado un concurso muy especial como homenaje al creador de El Quijote. Animaos a concursar. Aquí tenéis las bases

Introducing Shakespeare

                                                      source: wikipedia

Who was William Shakespeare? What are his main works?

Why has he been universally acknowledged as "a writer of all times" ?


 Laura Hopwood believes that Shakespeare’s text, being rhythmical and poetic, lends itself well to physicality and movement. Laura also says that studying Shakespeare in the UK is amazing, due to the fact you can watch plays be performed on the stage where Shakespeare’s plays were originally performed.

viernes, 1 de abril de 2016

English Theater: One-way ticket

As an end-of-the-term activity,  those pupils who were not involved in schools trips went to see the play One-way ticket, by  Moving-On English Theatre Company.  Not only did the pupils understand most of the dialogues but  they also took part in the story by interacting with the actors.
Here you have some of the best moments.

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

March 8th: International Women´s Day

"International Women's Day has been held on 8 March every year since 1913, and has been recognised by the United Nations since 1975.

The UN says it's a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities.

The theme of this year's day is "Planet 50-50 by 2030" - aiming to achieve global equality in areas such as education and end all forms of discrimination." ( BBC News)

In order to achieve a real equality between men and women, education plays a crucial role. Watch this video about the struggle of a Chadian girl, Fatna, to go to school to have a better life in the future.


The British actress Emma Watson, best known as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films, is the Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women. In September 2014, she gave a speech at hte UN about gender inequality and how to fight it. Suince then, she has been actively involved in the HeForShe campaign.

What do you think about the HeForShe campaign? Do you think equlity is an important issue?

See more at :

Learn English teens website




lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016

Monday February 29th 2016 , Leap Year


 Thirty days hath September,
 April, June, and November;
 All the rest have thirty-one,
 Except for February alone.

 February has twenty-eight days clear,
And twenty-nine in each Leap Year.

Today is February 29th  so 2016 is a leap year. What does it mean?

sábado, 27 de febrero de 2016

Back from London!

As every school year, 4th Year pupils have travelled to London on a five-day cultural school trip . Back home,  safe and sound and happy to have lived such an interesting experience!!!


viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016

Love is in the air of Utebo

Love letters for Valentine's Day to express our love for friends, fiancés, teachers, you know...

 " It is love that makes the world go round"


Powered by emaze

miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016

English proficiency benefits

English language abilities benefit  a country's economy  and rises its standard of life. It is worth investing in English learning programmes and education.


lunes, 8 de febrero de 2016

Sociocultural Talk

Last Wednesday, 1st Year Bachillerato pupils enjoyed an interesting  talk about sociocultural aspects of the English World organised by our textbooks' publisher Burlington Books.
The speaker, Mark, talked about the peculiarities that characterise  English -speaking way of life as well as other aspects such as vocabulary o pronunciation, always through humour, games and interaction .
Our pupils were very enthusiastic and listened carefully throughout the talk, answering the questions he asked them and taking part actively in the activities and games he proposed. At the end of the session Mark congratulated on the pupils' extraordinary behaviour and good level of English.

Well done guys!

domingo, 7 de febrero de 2016

The horrors of wars

         Look at the video to see the real dangers and horrors the refugees are fleeing from

Next time someone wonders why refugees are risking everything to come to Europe, show them this
Posted by The Independent on miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2016
The following presentation is a collection of pictures and photos which express with images a deep message and crticism concerning the present refugees' crisis.

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016

London ads 2016

Once again , 4th year pupils are ready to set off on the London trip the high school prepares every year.
Before the trip, students must prepare an ad to promote London as an international tourist city.

Brilliant work, guys, splendid ideas full of imagination and creativity

Trabajo Inglés Londres guayen;eva y nuria(1) from Isabel Mariñosa Vela on Vimeo.

domingo, 31 de enero de 2016

Victor Hugo & Les Misérables

The first compulsory reading for 1st Years Bachillerato has been Les Misérables, by Victor Hugo. Here you have some information about the French writer and the social and historical context of the novel.

martes, 26 de enero de 2016

Banksy's harsh denounce of refugees' treatment

Once again Banksy turns up to denounce the degrading conditions and treatment  refugees are subjected to in Europe. These two videos cover the news story  in detail and analyse Banksy's artwork and social criticism

lunes, 25 de enero de 2016

Sports & Games

Here you can read the rules of  some games and sports you can do during the break or in your free time

viernes, 22 de enero de 2016

The beautiful planet we have to protect

If we don't want to lose all these natural  treasures and wonders we must respect our planet and keep it alive

VID-20151212-WA000 from Isabel Mariñosa Vela on Vimeo.

lunes, 18 de enero de 2016