viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015

Reasons lo learn English

Listen to these top reasons why the learning of English is essential for a person's life .

What are yours?


Why is the world obsessed with learning English?? Listen to this interesting video on which Jay Walker tries to explain today's worldwide English mania


martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

26 de septiembre: Día Europeo de las Lenguas

Have a look at these two hilarious videos about the importance of learning languages and how fun & useful it is!!

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2015

Welcome back to school

September 1st , back-to-school day for teachers and pupils who have to resit September exams.

Good luck to all!!! As for the rest , you still have some days off. Enjoy them!

 I hope you have relaxed a lot and you are all full of beans to start the new school year . As every year, the English Department is already organising new surprising activities and projects . We can't wait to begin...!!!