viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

Normas de clase: English, Français

Aquí os dejo un documento recordatorio con algunas recomendaciones en inglés y francés sobre  las buenas prácticas que ayudan a mejorar  la dinámica y el ambiente del grupo clase , y en consecuencia el aprendizaje  y el rendimiento escolar invidual y grupal.

Normas de Clase

sábado, 21 de febrero de 2015

Charles Dickens's life during The Industrial Revolution

Te analysis of The Industrial Revolution is a curricular topic included in Social Sciences for 4th year ESO . History and literature are two academic disciplines which go hand in hand , therefore the two departments involved ,often work together in interdisciplinary tasks.

The social consequences of the Industrial Revolution caused by the change from a farming to an industrial society are very well depicted in Dickens's novels , literary works which have trascended their author's time and country.

 This video will help you to know relevant details of this great writer's life and how  they affected his literary production and the creation of great characters.

For further reading about Charles Dickens, click here

Script of the video
To read the script of the video clik here Charles Dickens>

Charles Dickens

miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2015

S. Valentine's Love Letters

We have received lots of heart-pouring love letters, sent to a wide variety of addressees: boyfriends, girlfriends, classmates, sisters , teachers, close and best friends.
These are only some examples of the splendid work you are able to do when you mean to express your best feelings in your best English

Thank you very much

We love you all

domingo, 15 de febrero de 2015

London commercials

The trip to London has arisen our pupils' creativity as you can seen in the following videos, which show the splendid and imaginative  ideas they are able to implement using their English.

Congratulations on your professional and brilliant work !

 London-Andrea & Elisa 4ºB from Isabel Mariñosa Vela on Vimeo.


sábado, 14 de febrero de 2015

S. Valentine's Day 2015.

Our former language assistant, Lisa Nolan visited us and gave 4 ESO B one of her wondeful classes and activities, this time, and due to S. Valentine's Day, the topic was a love song,

 "You're Still The One" by Shania Twain.

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2015

Shrove Tuesday 2015

Every year many of you ask us for the best recipe to make pancakes for Shrove Tuesday, the day preceding Ash Wednesday which marks the start of Lent. Follow the instructions given in this simple recipe and bring your pancake for lunch. This year pancake falls on February 17th

 For further reading about Shrove Tuesday, click here- Flip out This Pancake Day 

 Here we have the result !! The activity worked out very well, and many of you brought yummy yummy pancakes 
Alba Fernández sent us these photos illustrating the cooking process, thanks very much



lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015

2015 London trip

The tireless travellers to the 2015 London trip are already back with endless stories and unforgettable experiences to tell their friends and families.

We have enjoyed ourselves  at the airports, in the hotel, on the London Eye, going sightseeing in the cold , visiting musems and The Stamford Bridge stadium, shopping in the busy streets and markets and eating a delicious fish and chips lunch at Candem.

Look at these photos of the whole crowd in action. Our faces reflect how fun the trip was!!

sábado, 7 de febrero de 2015

London ads 2015

As a preparation for the 2015  trip, 4th year pupils  created some adverts to get acknowledged with plenty of information about what they were going to visit on the school trip to London

viernes, 6 de febrero de 2015

Be my Valentine

                           BE MY VALENTINE 

            Write a love letter or poem in English to your beloved.
            Don't sign it with your real name, use a nickname. 
            Put it in an opened envelope with the addressee's name on it. Post it in the library's letter box.

            The letters will be delivered to their addressees and the best ones will be published.


               For further reading about S.Valentine's Day click here

miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2015

Welcome to London

Fourth year ESO diversificación pupils have prepared this oral brochure to advertise London as a major tourist attraction. It has been great fun !

Informacion General Erasmus +

Pinchando sobre la imagen podeis acceder a la información sobre conceptos básicos y clave en el Programa Europeo Erasmus+. La referencia oficial y esencial es la web del SEPIE (Servicio Español Para la Internacionalización de la Educación), antiguo OAPEE, y Agencia Nacional Española Erasmus+.

lunes, 2 de febrero de 2015

The Commonwealth

Do you know that English is spoken as the first or second language in the five continents?
How and why has English become a world language?
Take a look at this presentation and you will find out the answers to these questions.

Past Simple mind map

The following mind map will help you revise the basic concepts about how to build the past simple tense in English. Pay special attention to the video that shows the pronunciation of past tense suffix for the regular verbs -ed.