sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013

New words in English

'Selfie' named by Oxford Dictionaries as word of 2013

"Selfie" has been named as word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries.
The word has evolved from a niche social media tag into a mainstream term for a self-portrait photograph, the editors said.
Research suggested its frequency in the English language had increased by 17,000% in the last year, they added.
"Selfie" is the word of 2013, but the BBC's Lucas de Jong quizzes people on the streets of London as to the meaning of other shortlisted words
Other shortlisted words included "twerk" - a raunchy dance move performed by Miley Cyrus - and "binge-watch" - meaning watching lots of TV.
"Schmeat", meaning a form of meat synthetically produced from biological tissue, was also a contender
The word of the year award celebrates the inventiveness of English speakers when confronted with social, political or technological change
In 2004, the word of the year was "chav", in 2008 it was credit crunch and last year it was "omnishambles".
To qualify, a word need not have been coined within the past 12 months, but it does need to have become prominent or notable in that time.
Selfie is defined by Oxford Dictionaries as "a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website".
Its increase in use is calculated by Oxford Dictionaries using a research programme that collects around 150 million English words currently in use from around the web each month.
This software can be used to track the emergence of new words and monitor changes in geography, register, and frequency of use.
Papal power
Selfie can be traced back to 2002 when it was used in an Australian online forum, according to Oxford Dictionaries.
A man posted a picture of injuries to his face sustained when he tripped over some steps. He apologised for the fact that it was out of focus, saying that it was not because he was drunk but because it was a selfie.
This year, selfie has gained momentum throughout the English-speaking world, helped by pictures such as one of the Pope with teenagers that went viral.
Judy Pearsall, editorial director for Oxford Dictionaries, said: "Social media sites helped to popularise the term, with the hashtag #selfie appearing on the photo-sharing website Flickr as early as 2004, but usage wasn't widespread until around 2012, when selfie was being used commonly in mainstream media sources."
Selfie was added to the Oxford Dictionaries Online in August, but is not yet in the Oxford English Dictionary, although it is being considered for future use.
Other words that were shortlisted included "showrooming" - examining a product at a shop before buying it online at a lower price - and bitcoin - a digital currency in which transactions can be performed without the need for a central bank.
Other words added to Oxford Dictionaries Online
  • Selfie - pouty self-portrait typically taken with a smartphone
  • Dappy - silly, disorganised or lacking concentration
  • Digital detox - time spent away from Facebook and Twitter
  • Girl crush - an intense and typically non-sexual admiration felt by one girl for another
  • Vom - to be sick

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

How to be creative

Here you have an interesting video giving valuable tips to develop creativity, a necessary ability to produce good, useful ideas in your personal and professional life.


miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

Calendrier de l'Avent


1. Comment on appelle les chants traditionnellement interprétés pendant les fêtes de fin d’année ?

2. Qui est l'équivalent français du Santa Claus américain ?

Qui entre dans les maisons par la cheminée et dépose les cadeaux dans des chaussures

disposées autour du sapin de Noël ou devant la cheminée ?

3. C´est quel jour le réveillon de Noël ? 

4. Quel dessert mange t-on le plus traditionnellement le soir du réveillon ?

Quelle est son origine et quelle est sa signification?

5. La galette des rois se mange :

             - à la Saint-Valentin

-   à l'Epiphanie (en janvier)

-   pour le carnaval

6. On se souhaite une bonne année :

·         jusqu'au 10 janvier

·         jusqu'au 15 janvier

·         jusqu'à la fin du mois de janvier

7. Complétez ce dicton météorologique :

« Noël au balcon, ...... » 

8. Quel Saint a inspiré le Père Noël ? 

9. Quel est le jour de la St Nicolas ? 

10. Traditionnellement, combien trouve t-on de personnages dans la crèche ? (animaux compris) 

11. En France, dans quelle ville se trouve le principal bureau de poste du Père Noël ?

12. Combien de rennes tirent le traineau du Père Noël ?

13. Traditionnellement que met-on au sommet du sapin ?

14. Quel film de Robert Zemeckis parle d'un voyage au Pôle Nord ?

15. Quel anniversaire fête-t-on à Noël ?

16. La période dite de l'avent commence :

  • Une semaine avant Noël
  • Le 1er des 4 dimanches qui précèdent Noël
  • Le 1er décembre
  • 1 mois avant Noël

17. Quelle marque de Soda a donné au Père Noël ses couleurs rouge et blanche ?

  • Oasis
  • Red Bull
  • Coca-Cola
  • Pepsi

18.  Quand est-ce que la crèche doit être installée?

19. Comment s´appelle la fleur de Noël ?

20. D’où est originaire la tradition du sapin de Noël?

21. Quels sont les trois présents apportés par les Rois mages à la naissance de Jésus?

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

El cerebro humano y el aprendizaje de idiomas

Lee el siguiente artículo cliqueando sobrre el titular

Hallan conexión entre el área del cerebro que procesa sonidos y el aprendizaje de idiomas

Un grupo de investigadores ha descubierto que hay personas que son más receptivas a aprender sonidos que nunca han oído, lo que podría haber abrir la puerta a nuevos métodos para el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras.

source:  http://www.aprendemas.com/Noticias
Publicado con BlogsyPublicado con Blogsy

sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2013

Thanksgiving Day

Here you have a presentation and a video explaining the origins and traditions of  Thanksgiving day, a big celebration for American and Canadian people. In America it is held on the 4th Thursday of November, so this year falls on 28 November.

Advent Calendar Trivia


1- What‘s the English Word for Christmas songs? Say two examples

2- Who brings the children’s presents in the UK? Describe him.

       3-  What do you call in English the night before Christmas’ Day?

       4 - What type of animal is Rudolf? What’s his job? 

       5- What does a snowman smell with his nose?

      6- How do people send each other at Christmas ?

7- How do people decorate their house at Christmas?

8- When is Boxing Day?

9- What tradicional Celtic song do British people sing on New Year’s Eve? What does thetitle mean in English?

10- What’s a New Year’s resolution?

      11-  Who are the elves? What do they make?

1    12- Who are the three Wise Men?
13- What do you call in English the“colouful cardboard tubes that when pulled make a “pop”

 noise and reveal a little gift inside? 

 14- Where do lovers kiss each other atChristmas´ time?

15- What do some children leave for Santa’s presents?

16- How does Santa enter people’s houses?

1     17- How does Santa travel around the world?

18- What do you call an old snowman?

19- Where does Santa live?
20- Mention different names for Santa in other countries

21- What do people eat traditionally for dinner on the 24th December ?